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stroke & stride series



Stroke & Stride Point Series


A point standings will be kept throughout the series, and series awards will be presented to first-place point winners in all 5-year age categories. In 2023, series point winners will take home a custom coffee mug!


Series points are awarded in both the 750/5K and the 1500/5K events, with more points going to finishers in the longer event. You must complete at least 4 Stroke & Stride events to be eligible for awards, however points will accumulate in your best 6 races. Points will not be awarded to relay teams. The number of races that count toward your standings may be adjusted based on weather cancellations during the series. In the event the swim is cancelled and the race is contested as a run-only, no points will be awarded.


Points will be awarded each week in each age group.




Finishers will receive points in the following amounts: 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. All long course finishers will receive at least 1 point in each race that they finish. 




The top-8 finishers in each age group will receive points in the following amounts: 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2,  In the event that the weather limits ALL swimmers to 1 lap, points will be awarded to all finishers in the shortened event based on the Long Course point sequence.


All ties will be broken by fastest run time during the series.


A competitor's age for series points is based on his/her age on December 31.

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